
We will send you a confirmation email with your package's tracking number once it has been processed and shipped. We provide express delivery service to UAE, KSA, Bahrain, Qatar and Oman, will take one to three working days. For our international customers, we offer shipping that typically takes between two to seven working days.


Please be advised that customs fees may apply to your order, depending on the destination country and location. Reachful Beauty is not responsible for any additional costs related to customs that may arise. We recommend contacting your local customs authority to determine the landed cost price before purchasing. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter.

Cash on Delivery

We provide and accept Cash on Delivery payments within the UAE ONLY.

OFAC Sanctions Policy

In compliance with the law of the UAE, does not offer any products or services to countries subject to OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions. We adhere to all relevant regulations and laws to conduct our operations lawfully and responsibly.